Client: GFA Consulting Group
Client Location: Hamburg, Germany
Period: October 2018 – July 2019

Service Category: Project / Document
Requirements: Design / Layout / Concept / Website
Other: The main objective was to produce an Integrated Water Resource Management Plan (IWRM), both in English and Portuguese, with regards to the Cuvelai River basin. The project was a collaboration of personnel in the UK, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia and Angola.

Gary was responsible for the design of a transboundary water management plan between Angola and Namibia, and the website of the CUVECOM watercourse commission, in the framework of a development project funded by the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) and implemented by GFA Consulting Group. As the project manager, I can recommend Gary as an extremely committed, knowledgeable and talented designer. He will go the extra mile and will make sure your project results are as good as it gets. Recommended 100%. 

Dr. Julius Arnegger, Professor of Tourism Management